javier palenque
4 min readNov 5, 2022

Last night as I was cleaning my garage, I came across an old book I read back in 1988 it is called “the Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kurdera“ It is a philosophical novel about love, morals, and the choices we make in life and the lightness of how we live or the heaviness of our mistakes we carry forever. No, I have no intention of explaining philosophy or discussing authors with the executives of the USTA, that would be a complete waste of my time. However, I did like the title, and I thought, what can I write as part of my weekly community service to my beloved country that attempts to move the incapable USTA board and executives and help people who could use the help (our youth)? Notice that I try to use my idle time trying to move resources from wasteful areas (USTA’s payroll) to useful areas (programs for our youth everywhere).

That is the job of the board of directors who should have the fiduciary responsibility of leaving a legacy for the sport and the nation. Of course, we can all conclude that this is too much to ask from people selected by the Ol’ Boys who are themselves deceived by the false narrative of the USTA, and each is not personally invested in either the mission or the future of our sport. This is the exact wrong kind of people for the country’s best-funded sports not-for-profit. So, expecting a future for the sport…



javier palenque

Executive, Tennis fanatic, writer, entrepreneur. Micro brewery owner, tennis coach and fashion photographer, creative soul, life lover.